Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Savory pumpkin gallette

Why why did I decide to call this blog the Cooking Lair?

First off, I love the word lair. It is definitely not used enough. My favorite is when Eddie Izzard makes fun of people for thinking transvesties are evil, and mentions inviting women back to his lair. He says it so great. Now I have to listen to his stand up! I tried to find a youtube clip for you, but apparently no one else likes that bit as much as I do.

Since I started cooking and baking pretty much every day, the number of cuts I have received on my left pointer finger have increased exponentially. I thank my nails EVERYDAY for saving the tip of my thumb at least twice now. When I chop and mince, I do it with FEELING. And passion! And pain, apparently. Don't worry, anyone that has had my cooking, I have never given you something with my blood, skin, or nails in it. Here are some safe techniques for cutting things with big knives: Basic Knife Skills (don't ask me how I feel about allrecipes.com, because I'm not a fan of the recipes. But this video was decent!) - I obviously need to memorize the part of the video about curling your fingers so the pesky buggers don't get in the way.

Now that we're all feeling safe (I hope! haha), on to today's post (which involves cutting raw pumpkin into 1/4" slices, SO BE CAREFUL).

What recipe: Savory Pumpkin Gallette by Oh My Veggies
What I changed: So, I tried to change nothing. But as you'll soon see, I was not successful at cutting my pumpkin thin enough, mine end up being almost 1/2" thick pumpkin slices. But try for the thinner pieces, it'll turn out stupendous!

So, remember my obsession with gallettes? It hasn't dissipiated. Especially since I wanted to try making a savory gallette. Well, as we all know...  IT'S PUMPKIN SEASON. I know perhaps many people are sick of pumpkin, but I just can't get sick of it yet. I'm still very excited.

This savory gallette has a walnut parmesan sage base and it's SPECTACULAR. Here we go!

- 1/2 sugar pie pumpkin, cleaned of innards and cut into 1/4" slices
- olive oil spray
- salt and pepper to taste
- store bought pie crust, or home made (See the pie crust I made for the sweet gallette, or any of them at smittenkitchen.com)
- 1 egg yolk + 1 tsp water for a glaze
- 1/2 cup walnuts, roasted (you can roast these in the oven with the pumpkin slices for 5-10 minutes or so)
- 1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese
- 2 T olive oil
- 1 T chopped sage

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Carefully cut your pumpkin into 1/4" slices. Place them onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, spray with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Pop it into the oven for 20-30 min. They should be softened so you can pierce them with a fork, but not browned. While they cool, proceed to the next steps.

Pumpkin slices ready for the oven!
Roll out pie dough - I rolled mine out to 12". Transfer the dough onto a baking sheet covered with a piece of parchment paper. A good way to do this is to fold your dough into quarters - this way your dough won't tear!

Combine all the ingredients for the base in a food processor (and roast your walnuts if they aren't roasted - 350 oven, roast for 10 minutes or so). Process until the mixture appears coarsely chopped. Spread the mixture onto your rolled out pie dough, leaving a 1 - 1.5" edge free of the mixture.

STEP 4: 
Arrange the pumpkin slices in a gorgeous spiral that all your friends will be jealous of.

Fold over that extra inch or so of dough so it covers the start of the pumpkin. Make your glaze and brush it over the exposed pie dough (as I have clumsily done here).

STEP 6: 
Throw this lovely creature into the oven! At 350 degrees F for 40-50 minutes (until the crust has browned).

And finally... shove it in your face after it has cooled enough to do so safely. 

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